Short Story
Bessie Green Community, strives to improve the lives of our neighbors by giving them a helping hand. To accomplish this, we rely on donations from individuals, companies, and churches. We receive no funds from the government.
Bessie Green Community functions out of North Reformed Church in Newark, and as their ministry has grown, they’ve seen the limitations of their historic building. We’ve stepped in to renovate their men’s and women’s bathrooms, replacing their unleveled and rotting floors and installing new fixtures.
Job Estimate: $35,000
Project Cost: $10,000
SHM Savings: $25,000
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Bessie Green Community
Funding Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go -
Target Goal
Campaign End Method
Campaign Story
Bessie Green Community, strives to improve the lives of our neighbors by giving them a helping hand. To accomplish this, we rely on donations from individuals, companies, and churches. We receive no funds from the government.
Bessie Green Community functions out of North Reformed Church in Newark, and as their ministry has grown, they’ve seen the limitations of their historic building. We’ve stepped in to renovate their men’s and women’s bathrooms, replacing their unleveled and rotting floors and installing new fixtures.